Outgoing mail... Hello Emi! How are you? I hope you did well on all your tests. Thursday, we had a football game, and we won! We were facing Virden's team and we were beating them so badly that they started doing bad things that were unsportmanship like. They ended up getting a lot of flags ( which are bad ) and we ended up winning. Please don't study too hard! It's not too healthy.@_@ I study a lot too ... but I also take naps more often now^_^. Well, take care!^_^ Hope to hear from you soon! Cya! Dean =P How are you? (shibaraku desu ne~!)--sorry I took so long to write!! Guess what? I've been in basketball and cheerleading for a while now... and our cheerleading team just won first place in co-ed routine competition today!!! I'm so proud of our team! I lifted a girl up with one hand in a chair position too! I was soo nervous, and it was a lot of fun!^_^ As for basketball... our team lost. No worries though, we're only in intramuralsl... which isn't really competitive so it's ok. Well, please write back Emi! Hope to hear from you... Cya! Dean @_@ Thank you so much for your mail Emi! I'm good. Try not to work too hard ~ne! By the way, how did your exams go? I hope you did well! Now, we have a lot of snow! It's soo cold (brrr...) (@_@). Ohayou Emi! Is it ok if I call you Ritsu-chan? That is your nickname right? Genki desu ka? Kyou ha totemo samui desu. I hope you had a Merry Christmas... I made a web page for you so that whenever I can't mail you, you can check my site to see if any new things are happening. I'll be updating this site--> www.herc.iwarp.com more often because emails are blocked at my school. So you can check these if I can't reach you via email. I'm really sorry I couldn't mail you lately (I feel soo bad +_+). I miss getting your emails a lot! The reason why I didn't mail you is because I don't have internet at home and my school has a filtering program so I can't check my email.+_+ It really sucks. I have to tell you something very odd... My parents call me Dean, ok. My friends call me Herc... And my dad's name is Hercules!@_@ Can you believe that!?! My dad's dad named him after a boat in the Phillipines they once had, but we don't have it anymore because someone stole it! ...Anyway, I'm really shy about my full first name. Legally, my name is... Hercodean Ian Alcantara. I hope it's all right I told you this now, I really don't tell anyone my full name. I feel better now that I've told you my full name. Please check my web page at www.herc.iwarp.com for any updates and something *special*! I miss your emails, and really hope to hear from you soon Emi-san! Cya! Dean@_@ Thanks for your mail! Hello! My german is coming along ...slowly to tell the truth; the reason is that I have exams to study for right now. But my vocabulary is slowly increasing with each moment I get to study. So all-in-all... I'm doing good. So. How are you and Jaqueline? Hope you enjoy your holiday! Do you have much snow around Germany now? I hope you are all doing fine. I have a web page that I made for posting messages in case I don't get to check my mail; b/c we can't read emails at the school. I will be updating this site-->www.herc.iwarp.com more often because emails are blocked at my school. So you can check these if I can't reach you via email. Well I'll try to email again sometime. I hope to hear from you! Cya! Herc^_^ Ohayou Emi-san! Ogenki desu ka? Kondo no shuumatsu nani o shimasu ka? I finally found a computer to send emails with! What luck! Most of them block emails. Thank you for telling me my name is nice and unique! I'm pretty sure it is the *only one in the world! I'm glad you like it, and I agree that it does have some sort of meaning. What does yours mean? Why don't you play guitar anymore? Is it too hard? I can help if you want!^_^ It's good to have great memories of highschool. Do you still remember the Yosakoi dance? I should see it sometime!^_^ I think it's nice that you appear young. That must mean you aren't badly stressed, because they say that stress will make you seem older. Like me. Just kidding!! he he he ... So are you feeling stressed out lately? It must be nice to be able to travel and make a handkerchief that is unique and the only one in the world!! And blue is one of my many favorite colors too! I listen to BoA, but am not familiar with Double, Namie Amuro and Blue yet! Well~ kiotsukete! I hope to hear from you soon!! Dean@_@ Hi Emi! It's me Dean. I'm doing just fine, although lately I've been very busy. Harry Potter 4? It's sounds interesting. Dinner with your cousins? Oh, that's nice. Did your classmates do well on their exams? I hope they did well. Yes, I knew that every kanji has its own meaning, but I didn't know that your name means beautiful picture, I think that's pretty interesting. I think it's great to have many friends around the world! That's cool! That's nice that you still know how to play the guitar! It's not so great to be stressed out though, I hope you feel better soon.+_+ I feel very stressed out, I don't know how you could endure so much studying! I have to write my Math Applied exam on the 21 and 22! So, I'm almost done, except I have an English exam on the 23rd!+_+ Nowadays, I feel so tired, and to think that today I am going to study for the whole day on math, how brutal!@_@ Anyway, wish me luck!^_^ It's great you still remember the Yosakoi dance, I hope to see you dance one day! he he he ... Oh yeah, I had to tell you about Satoru Ueno (Ueno is his last name)! He's an exchange student who came not too long ago! Anyway, he's a good friend. Do you know him? Recently, I've gone shopping and bought a Japanese grammar book! I'm so happy I bought it! It cost me about $24, but was well worth it. It has over 600 entries of the essential grammatical elements, and has explanations and sample usage! I've always thought of Japanese grammar as a function. Kind of like math!^_^ And the book explains them like functions too, which is convenient! I also started learning how to look up kanji through radicals! Do you know how? Can you teach me? I think I got it but I'm not sure. If you could help that would be nice!^_^ Well, hope to hear from you soon! Oh! My birthday is coming up too! he he ... it's on February, 3, and I'll be 18 years old! I'm still not sure whether I want to be 18 or not, but I don't really have a choice!@_@ Oh, well, it should be fun, I'll be with my cousin Josh and Grace's boyfriend Sean because their birthdays are in February too! What a coincidence ~ne? Jaa, mata ne! Dean Hi Emi! I'm fine, I haven't been studying too hard, but I feel I did well on my exams. I still am quite often tired, though. You never quite know that you can endure anything unless you try, when I tried at first it was hard to get motivated, untill I bought my Japanese grammar book! I found learning with that subject (or something like it) at the end and or listening to a song while I study, I could last it. I wouldn't say that. I've been lazy at times too. That's great that you want to teach others to speak Japanese! I have a very strong passion to learning languages I guess. ^_^ Band is always a good stress reliever. And travel is always fun. Yes, I did get a grammar book, and I'm really excited to finish the whole book! I don't remember hearing where he's from. I'll be sure to ask you questions too Emi! I had a birthday party today. A little early but to celebrate three birthdays! Josh, Sean, and My birthday's. Although my birthday is on Feb. 3. I remember your birthday Emi, it's on March the 31st, am I right? I will turn 18 years old. I think succeeding at a young age is great! It may be hard though. Well, I hope to hear from you soon Emi. You take care too! Well, Cya! Dean ^_^ Hi Emi! Long time no talk! How are you? I'm sorry you didn't recieve any of my mail earlier. Guess what? I'm exercising even more than before! Now, my schedule is 5 days a week, for every day I exercise in the morning in spare class, at lunch hour, and in phys. ed (gym class). And I also participate in cheerleading stunts by lifting people on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. We also have a compitition this upcoming weekend, so wish us luck! Phew! I think I should be tired but I really don't feel too tired. I hope you had a good weekend, how was it? So, what else will you be doing? Well, I'll try to mail you later, hope to hear from you soon Emi! Cya! Dean ^_^ Hi Emi! How are you? I got your email today! Happy 18th birthday! 18 is a good number! You can drink! lol ^_^. I'll give you a poem my friend gave me on my 18th b-day... "You are never alone. Wherever you go the sun will shine." I hope it was great. Please forgive my late email. @_@ Florida and Disney world sounds great! Especially being praised and put in a newspaper! It must have been very exciting ne~! I want to talk more so I hope to hear from you soon Emi! Happy Birthday again! xox (hehe..) Dean ^_^ お早うえみーさん!貴方のコンピュータわディスプレー仮名するか? (Can your computer display kana?) [please correct me if my grammar is incorrect!^_^ I will write with alphabet in case your computer cannot display kana.] Douitashimashite! Hai, biiru o nomu [on special occasions, and celebrations]. Oainikusama! Boku wa jyoudan suru yo! Yancha, Emi, yancha! [hehe... again, I'm just joking around! @_@] Utau wa tanoshii. Kinou, boku wa utau suru. [Sounds like you had fun. I hope you have fun with band too, and don't work too hard!@_@ I must keep studying too! And my cousin (Josh) said hi!^_^ I will drink to your birthday today; that is me... and maybe Josh! Email you later! Hope to hear from you soon Emi!] Jya mata ne~xoxo!^o^ Dean ^o^